Saturday, December 15, 2012

India - The Land Of Dogs, Camels, And Cows

Hiya! I just came back from India. It was very interesting. We saw lots of temples and animals. Since cows are holy, they're everywhere, even walking right across the street! We also saw tons of dogs. It was so sad to see them just lying there with their eyes shut and their fur filthy with dust and dirt and fleas. Anyway, we also saw lots of camels. Camel-carts were a popular way of transportation, so were these little yellow cars that sort of looked like taxis. Well, here are some pictures -->

- I forgot the name of this temple already, but it's pretty!

- I remember the name of this temple. The Taj Mahal.

- Me picking up the Taj Mahal. Always a classic.

- I'm not sure what this temple is called either, but then again, India has a lot of temples!

- Me inside a camel-cart. It was a very bumpy ride!

- Me riding a camel. This was even more bumpy! And even more terrifying!

- Cows!

- More cows!

- We also saw a snake charmer!

- Dogs!



                                                                      That's all for now!
                                                                         ;) Ariel